Angularjs Controllers Same Name Different Names
How to name your controllers
Installing Yarn through Homebrew
You can install Yarn through the Homebrew package manager. This will also install Node.js if it is not already installed.
Install OSMC on Raspberry Pi 3
Got someone special a Raspberry Pi 3 for Christmas. Raspberry Pi created this cute post about receiving this Pi for Christmas that I would like to share. SO YOU GOT A RASPBERRY PI FOR CHRISTMAS! NOW WHAT?
Brew Doctor Symlinks Prune
After running a brew update
, it is best to next run brew doctor
. Sometimes you may run into broken symlinks message like after an operating system or xcode update for example.
HTML5 Banner Ads
Angular Service
In software, the word “service” has many different meanings. For instance, what web development, we usually think of a service from a web server. These services provide us endpoints to an API to retrieve data.
Brew Cask Update Not Moving or Overwriting
When I run brew cask install iterm2
Oh My Zsh
Yeoman Fountain Generator
New Yeoman Generator to replace generator-gulp-angular
Linters with Sublime
A linter is a small program that checks code for stylistic or programming errors. Linters are available for most syntaxes. The advantage of using SublimeLinter is that your code can be linted as you type (before saving your changes) and any errors are highlighted immediately, which is considerably easier than saving the file, switching to a terminal, running a linter, reading through a list of errors, then switching back to Sublime Text to locate the errors!
What does (!) next to a cask mean
Sublime configuration and plugins
Sublime Text is available to download on its website here:
Brew cask upgrade error
When trying to update brew cask with the following command:
brew upgrade brew-cask
Word of the Day: Variadic Functions
Variadic Functions have come to JavaScript thanks to ES2015. A Variadic Function is a function that can accept any number of arguments. For example: funcName("one");
or funcName("one", "two");
or funcName("one", "two", "three");
Up and running with Jekyll!
I decided to migrate my blog from Drupal to Jekyll, a website generator that’s designed for building minimal, static blogs to be hosted on GitHub Pages.
Ember CLI and Watchman
When Watchman is not installed, a notice is displayed when invoking various commands. You can safely ignore this message:
Installing Ember JS
Make sure you have Node and NPM installed.
Test to see if you have both installed and working correctly by typing the below commands on the command line.
Both should output a version number:
Update Node with Homebrew
Find the version of node you currently have installed.
NPM Required Peer
Followed by this warning:
Brew Error "Warning: Broken symlinks were found."
If you try brew doctor
and you get the following error:
NPM Update
It is not something you may want to always keep updated.
Homebrew Doctor Warning
What to do if when you enter brew doctor
and you get the following message:
Unbelievable Spam Email Story
I just read the most convoluted spam email I’ve received in a while.
Angular Bootstrap Glyphicon Fix
In the bower.json file add:
"overrides": {
"bootstrap-sass": {
"main": [
jQuery UI Events Cheat Sheet
Install brew Google Chrome
```bash $ brew cask install google-chrome ==> Caveats The Mac App Store version of 1Password won’t work with a Homebrew-Cask-linked Google Chrome. To bypass this limitation, you need to either:
Install Adobe Creative Suite with Homebrew Cask
$ brew cask install adobe-creative-cloud
``` ==> Downloading ######################################################################## 100.0% To complete the installation of Cask adobe-creative-cloud, you must also run the installer at
Google Releases Guide on How to Migrate from AngularJS 1.x to 2.x
Connect to Azure from Command-Line Interface (Azure CLI)
Connect to an Azure subscription from the Azure Command-Line Interface (Azure CLI)
AngularJS Snippets
AngularJS Snippets for Sublime, Visual Studio and WebStorm
AngularUI Bootstrap Navbar Dropdown Fix
AngularUI Bootstrap Responsive Navbar Dropdown Responsive dropdown navbar with angular-ui bootstrap Angular UI Bootstrap
Add a Countdown Timer to your Email
Ever heard of Flexbox?
Yeoman Angular Gulp
Install required tools yo, gulp and bower:
$ npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp
How to create a Github repository before creating a local reposity
If you start with creating a GitHub project first before starting a project.
To install, drag this icon no more!
Homebrew Cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to OS X applications and large binaries alike.
Running Git through Homebrew instead of XCode
You are setting up your DEV environment. You setup Homebrew on your machine to so you can install node.js, GIT, and alike. Problem is that to install Homebrew, you needed to install XCode. XCode installs a version of GIT onto your mac automatically to use for Xcode development so when you input which git
the directory points to /usr/bin/git
. git --version
prints git version 2.3.2 (Apple Git-55)
when the latest is already GIT 2.5.0
Installing Node.js on Mac with Homebrew
This is going to be short and sweet because the real work already went into installing Homebrew onto the mac. Documented here on my previous post: Installing Homebrew on Mac
Installing Homebrew on Mac
First thing out is going to the Apple App Store and downloading then installing XCode. Apple’s development software is used to build Mac and iOS apps.
Why 'var app=' in angular is now bad practice
Why setting your App module to a variable and reusing that variable is now considered bad practice.
Angular.js ng-src for Images
I am always falling victim to causing an error by using Angular Expressions inside a src attribute.
OSMC on Raspberry Pi 2
Buy Licenses
Warning: gulp version mismatch Fix
$ bower install
$ gulp update
[10:31:22] Warning: gulp version mismatch:
[10:31:22] Global gulp is 3.9.0
[10:31:22] Local gulp is 3.8.11
$ gulp -v
[10:39:05] CLI version 3.9.0
[10:39:05] Local version 3.8.11
$ npm install gulp@3.9.0 --save
Great Quote of the Day
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems.
–Jamie Zawinski, in comp.lang.emacs
What is Vanilla JavaScript
Javascript Arrays
Javascript 1.8.5
I like to keep up with what’s new especially with web technologies.
New Blog Introduction
My name is Esko Cruzeta. Welcome to my new blog where I wish to share how-to and tutorials to problems I run into from server, web apps, computer programming, and hardware issues that I find little to no information anywhere online.