Linters with Sublime

A linter is a small program that checks code for stylistic or programming errors. Linters are available for most syntaxes. The advantage of using SublimeLinter is that your code can be linted as you type (before saving your changes) and any errors are highlighted immediately, which is considerably easier than saving the file, switching to a terminal, running a linter, reading through a list of errors, then switching back to Sublime Text to locate the errors!

SublimeLinter itself is only a framework for linters. Linter plugins are not part of SublimeLinter 3.

Installing SublimeLinter

Follow “Installing Plugins via Package Control” derections in my other post and when the list of available packages appears, type linter and select SublimeLinter.

Note: The github repository name is “SublimeLinter3”, but the plugin name remains “SublimeLinter”.

Installing SublimeLinter Plugins

SublimeLinter 3 must be installed in order to use this plugin and other linters.


This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to JSHint. It will be used with files that have the “JavaScript” syntax, or within <script> tags in HTML files.

Before installing this plugin, you must ensure that jshint is installed on your system. To install jshint, do the following:

  1. Install Node.js.
  2. Install jshint by typing the following in a terminal: npm install -g jshint
  3. Follow “Installing Plugins via Package Control” derections above and when the plugin list appears, type jshint. Among the entries you should see SublimeLinter-jshint. If that entry is not highlighted, use the keyboard or mouse to select it.
    Warning: Do NOT install jshint. Install SublimeLinter-jshint.


This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to CSS Lint. It will be used with files that have the “CSS” syntax, or within <style> tags in HTML files.

Before installing this plugin, you must ensure that csslint is installed on your system. To install csslint, do the following:

  1. Install Node.js.
  2. Install csslint by typing the following in a terminal: npm install -g csslint
  3. Follow “Installing Plugins via Package Control” derections above and when the plugin list appears, type csslint. Among the entries you should see SublimeLinter-csslint. If that entry is not highlighted, use the keyboard or mouse to select it.
Written on July 4, 2016