Sublime configuration and plugins

Sublime Text is available to download on its website here:

It is up to you if you want to install the latest latest Sublime Text 3 or Sublime 2. Even though the site states that Sublime Text 3 is currently in beta, so was Gmail for over 5 years. The fact is Sublime Text 3 contains many improvements over Sublime Text 2.

After Installing Sublime Text

Once you get Sublime installed, there are a lot of plugins that will greatly enhance it. Package Control is the Sublime Text package manager. It includes a list of over 2,500 packages available for install, and users can add any GitHub or BitBucket repository themselves. Once installed, packages are kept up-to-date automatically.

Installing Package Control should be the first thing you do with Sublime Text.

Installing Package Control

To start, go get Package Control here:

Follow the instructions. The following the “Simple” installation instructions is obviously simplest method of installation.

  1. From the Package Control installation webpage, Copy the long command of the Sublime Text version shown in the tab that you are using.
  2. In the Sublime Text Application, Open the Sublime Text console by pressing ctrl+`.
  3. Paste the command you copied into the Sublime Text console.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. After Package Control installs, restart the Sublime Text Application.

After installing, you can use Package Control to bring up a list of all the published Sublime packages, and type into the text box to filter down your results of packages you can now Install.

Installing Plugins via Package Control

  1. Open the Command Palette (cmd+shift+p on Mac OS X, ctrl+shift+p on Linux/Windows).
  2. Type install and select Package Control: Install Package from the Command Palette. There will be a pause of a few seconds while Package Control finds the available packages.
  3. When the list of available packages appears, type the name of the plugin you are looking for and select the plugin you wish to install.
  4. After a few seconds, your plugin will be installed and loaded. Note: Sometimes you will see an install message open in a tab on Sublime. It is a good idea to read the message.
  5. Most plugins require you to restart Sublime Text before use.

Sublime Text 3 Plugins

Written on June 28, 2016